The ”Kreuzkrugweg”

The ”Kreuzkrugweg”

Those interested in history can go on a journey into the past on the “Kreuzkrugweg”. From the Kreuzkrug restaurant, the hike leads south, past a former sand excavation, to a pasture paddock. Cattle graze here on sandy grasslands with individual heather bushes and thereby ensure their preservation. The hiking trail leads along the pasture fence to the archaeological experience trail. In a forest there are historical barrows in which the people of the Bronze Age buried their dead with elaborately piled up mounds of earth. Two barrows have been reconstructed on the adjacent open space and can be entered. A wooden coffin invites you to take a leap into the past. The “Kreuzkrugweg” continues east to Fürstenallee. Newly planted oaks line the street here since 2008 based on historical models and create an imposing picture. The hiking trail runs a short distance parallel to Fürstenallee and continues through fields to the northeast. After a few hundred metres you leave the open landscape. The path leads back through the Teutoburg Forest to the Kreuzkrug restaurant. 

The “Kreuzkrugweg” is approx. 7.5 km long. The duration of the hike is approx. 2:00 h.

Parking facilities

  • Kreuzkrug restaurant (Kreuzkrug 1, Schlangen)
  • Archaeological experience trail (near Heidestrasse, Schlangen)

Experience senses on the “Kreuzkrugweg”

The “Kreuzkrugweg” takes you on a hike into the past. On the archaeological experience trail, replica barrows from the Bronze Age and therefore a millennia-old burial culture can be experienced. But the archaeological experience trail is also a sensory experience for nature enthusiasts. Next to the barrows there is a large wooden sculpture of a cricket. Sit on the wooden cricket and listen to the small real ones chirping vigorously around you. However, you can not only hear the crickets on the archaeological experience trail, but everywhere where the sun shines. So close your eyes every now and then and listen to the chirping along the “Kreuzkrugweg”.

Der Kreuzkrug (Foto: A. Fischer)

Sights on the ”Kreuzkrugweg”

The archaeological experience trail with a barrow is located directly on the “Kreuzkrugweg”. Here, history buffs can find comprehensive information about the life of people in the Bronze Age. In a small piece of forest there are several historical barrows, most of which have been scientifically investigated. On the other hand, two barrows were rebuilt in an open area, which illustrate how people were buried thousands of years ago. Only a few hundred metres further, the Fürstenallee, planted according to the historical model, offers an imposing picture. The avenue once adorned the driveway to the Oesterholz hunting lodge. A carriage sculpture made of Corten steel indicates the historical significance of this section of the road. In Schlangen, however, carriages were not only important in the past. The club facilities of the Teutoburg Forest Driving and Carriage Association are right next to the sculpture, where modern carriage sports can be admired today.

Discover Senne

Hiking badges

The hiking reward for the “Kreuzkrugweg” can be obtained from the municipality of Schlangen.

Gemeindeverwaltung Schlangen
Kirchplatz 6
33189 Schlangen 
Phone: 05252 981102

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 08:30 – 12:15
Thursday: 14:00 – 18:00

Wanderbelohnung Rucksack Kreuzkrugweg