The Lippe source

Odin’s Eye

According to a legend, Odin, the Norse father of the gods, tore out his eye and threw it into the dry Senne in order to bless it with moisture and life for the people. This is said to have created the source of the Lippe, which is still popularly known today as the Eye of Odin.

The actual origin of the Lippe is not that spectacular, but it is definitely exciting. In a pothole, right next to Lippspring Castle, the turquoise-blue spring water of the Lippe gushes to the surface from a depth of 8 metres. Almost 750 litres of water flow out of the ground here every second. It is a karstic spring. Its water comes from other rivers in the area, the water of which has seeped away through patchy karstic rock and reappears in the middle of Bad Lippspringe.

You can experience the Lippe source on the “VitalWanderWelt – Energy” experience tour.

Die Lippequelle in Bad Lippspringe (Foto: U. Marquardt)