
The Naturschutzgrossprojekt Senne and Teutoburger Wald

Senne and Teutoburg Forest are nationally important landscapes for the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. Since 2008, in the area of the Senne and Teutoburg Forest large-scale nature conservation project, valuable elements of the natural landscape of the Teutoburg Forest and well-preserved relics of the cultural and historical landscape of the Senne have been secured, developed and carefully brought to life for visitors. In Oerlinghausen, Augustdorf, Lage and Detmold, the project area extends around the Stapel military training area. The old beech forests of the Teutoburg Forest were placed under legal protection. No more trees may be felled there. Non-natural coniferous monocultures, on the other hand, are converted into mixed forests with indigenous trees in the long term. In the Wistinghauser Senne and Augustdorf dunes, large areas of forest are grazed with Scottish highland cattle and Exmoor ponies. By the eating and treading of the large herbivores, the growth of young trees is inhibited and over time a light, structure-rich forest appears. This forest offers a habitat for numerous rare, heat-loving plants and animals. Most of the paddocks are accessible to visitors all year round.

You can experience the Scottish Highland cattle and Exmoor ponies on the “Ochsentour” and the “Dünenpfad”.

Schottische Hochlandrinder in der Wistinghauser Senne (Foto: C. Venne)