Senner Pferde

Senner Pferde

The Senne horses are the oldest known breed of horses in Germany. Once they roamed half-wild through the Senne landscape. They are considered to be very hardy and cope well with the poor feeding conditions in the poor sandy soils. Through their history, they are closely connected to the Senne and have probably contributed significantly to the development of typical Senne landscape elements. Today the population has become very small with around 50 animals. The Paderborn – Senne district biological station keeps a small herd that grazes in a fenced area of the Moosheide in the summer months. By grazing, they contribute to the preservation of valuable open land habitats.

You can discover the Senne horses on the “Heideland” and “Ems-Erlebnisweg” experience tours.

Senner Pferde in der Moosheide (Foto: C. Venne)